Appreciate and Pay Attention To Your Filipina Wife

We’ve been married four years and five months-Here’s some of my list- She provides companionship, a sense of belonging, intimacy, touch, partnership, love, comfort, satisfaction, fulfillment, a sense of purpose, helps me get out of my comfort zone (moving to the Philippines), allows me to feel needed and appreciated, she cooks, cleans, does lawn work, washes our cars, stains the deck, helps with some bills, has hosted get-togethers, irons my shirts, is beautiful, she was the resolution to 30 years of being alone wondering what in the world will it take to get married.

It seemed impossible, then came Aiza, an answer to prayer. You better believe there are many times when I wonder what would I do if something happened to my Amazing Aiza. I ask her the same thing. I pray for her safety for her sake and mine. The fact is, I need this little woman. Connection-Attention-Affection-When pursing a Filipina from across the world you try to build a connection through your on line profile and early chats. I have said I think it’s best to focus on each other exclusively as opposed to trying to juggle several relationships at once. After you get married you make the marriage your top priority by tending to its needs and being grateful for the value your Filipina brings into your life.

All I can do is all I can do and that’s pour as much love into Aiza that I can. Well, there you go, this concludes a look at the article I linked about a conversation with the author of the book on how not to get divorced.

By no means do I want to come across as implying or suggesting that you can just easily find a Filipina, marry her, and it will automatically be the greatest thing in the world. I intend to be realistic in my videos. I try to live out the things I suggest. I believe men and women were meant to be married. We have the freedom of whom to marry, where we find them and what they are like.

A Filipina was the answer to my need, but we’ve been through the usual ups and downs of any marriage, not to mention the added elements of an age gap and a different culture. We’re still standing!

I just want to share with you what I am learning about staying married to your Love Beyond the Sea!