Earning A Filipina's Respect

A list of many things to earn a filipina's respect:

Tell her “thank you” often (housekeeping, cooking, for being your wife, for washing clothes, for intimacy, for things she buys for the both of you- car covers, clothes, household things, for a clean house etc…whatever you are thankful for.

Help her find a job Help her deal with homesickness and be patient.

Spend quality time with her.

Don’t force her to “be American”.

Don’t refer to the Philippines as a third world country.

Find Asian restaurants and places to buy Asian food.

Help her to find friends, at least encourage it (I started when I returned from our marriage)

Allow plenty of space to communicate with her family

Ask about her family and remember things If possible, communicate a little with her family

Have her picture in visible places-screenshot on computer, phone, encourage photos. This shows she’s on your mind and you are happy to have her as your wife

Encourage giving money to her family and help if you can as this shows you love her family. Let her know she can visit the Philippines, try to go back together

Let her try different things to see if she has a knack for things she might not have had the opportunity to find out. My wife has mechanical inclination Teach her to drive. Need to here, more so than in the Philippines

Be a spiritual leader-talk about roles. Read the Bible to her, pray with her, pray for her family with her. Ask how her family is doing so you can pray for them

Go to church even when she can’t with you. This shows her you want to lead her spiritually. Be open to her wanting to attend a different church

Don’t feel embarrassed you married a younger woman from the Philippines. She just wants you to be her husband.

Encourage her to get to know other women at your church. She needs the spiritual help and companionship. Attend a marriage conference You are in the position of spiritual head and are in a position to influence. You can do this by being unselfish, forgiving, and being Christ-like which is to be a servant-leader.

Try to defer to her as much as possible, but you are the “tie-breaker”. For vacations for example, we’ll go where she wants to go.

Treat her as a queen

Put her needs and wants above your own Try to eat some Filipino foods if she wants to cook them Find common interests or develop them My wife likes plays like musical plays and I have taken her to a few and enjoyed them myself. Try to like what she likes Apologize readily Avoid profanity and raising your voice Let her buy new clothes for herself

Let her buy accessories like a watch and purse

Show her your finances-budget, checkbooks, etc. how it works Teach her how to write checks andhow to use a credit card Give her access to your accounts because they are now for both of you. Trust her with financial things and always get her opinion Advise but give her the freedom to make decisions. She will mature faster this way. Don’t put down the Philippines Don’t remind her you are from America or wherever first world country you are from Teach her how to mow the lawn Don’t expect her to show PDA, be happy with what you get Let her decorate your place Let her make recommendations on your clothes or appearance. My wife even trimmed my beard when I had one. One of these days I will let her cut my hair.

Don’t let Tampo upset you if it happens Be glad to see her and try to greet her when she gets home Aim for transparency-don’t hide phone messages or emails Be available when she wants you to do something with her at that time Teach her how to eat healthy but try not to be demanding Always have rice available Encourage her to not overwork Stick up for her always Loosen the lids on her water bottles Send her love songs from YouTube Go out on dates together

Be clean, smell nice Say I love you a lot-in person, text, social media, email Don’t stare at other women or compare her to them Build her reputation and appreciate her character Let her in on your feelings A lot of non-sexual touch-hair, cheeks, shoulders, back Take care of your health and hers (Annual physical, vitamins) Reinforce that she is “#1”

Put her sexual needs first Compliment her often (hard worker, housekeeping, lover, frugal, appearance) Play some Filipino music from YouTube It is ok to have to sacrifice some activities for the good of the marriage-tickets

Help around the house like with washing the dishes for example

Tell her you love her multiple times a day