How do you Know when someone Really Loves You?-Dr. PHILippines


How do you know when someone really loves you? This is a good question to ask and I will try to answer in hopes it stimulates some thought on the differences between like and love. I just want to talk about it and that’s what Dr. PHILippines does from time to time, because he is married to a woman he loves very much and will try to explain what he tries to do to keep the marriage strong.

Below are the bullet points that will be explained in more detail-

  • Treats you well with no strings attached
  • Is patient with you; long suffering
  • Willing to go out of their way to help you
  • Wants you to feel good about yourself
  • Is honest with you
  • Won’t give up on you
  • Doesn’t “keep score”
  • Always forgives

I believe the best way to give and receive this kind of love is to be married and invest yourself in someone who will love you. Some say love hurts, but does it really? I think it can. Forgiving someone and knowing a person’s flaws is enough to make us say “I want out”, of course you do, but love will tough it out; real love like the kind in marriage.
You should have discussions about what love is. I think fewer people are grasping what love really is.

Being this kind of person likely increases the chance you’ll be loved this way.
There are plenty more relationship questions to come so please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea.