How To Best Respond To Tampo From a Filipina

Tampo usually is manifested in the withdrawal of affectionate or cheerful behavior, and its expression is almost entirely nonverbal. These manifestations may include:

• resisting expressions of affection

• not talking to the person concerned, or to people in general

• being unusually quiet

• locking oneself in his or her own room

• refusing to eat

• not joining friends in group activities

• withdrawing from the group

• simply keeping to oneself

These are usually efforts to get the offending party to make amends, and if these behaviors do not work, one might choose to escalate them, perhaps to foot-stamping, door-slamming, or muttering.

After thinking about it for a while, I can agree with the part about the “perceived offence being of a minor nature.” This is because I have read stories of other men who were perplexed at why it was happening. If they thought it was egregious they wouldn’t be wondering why she was not talking to him.