Initial Questions To Ask a Filipina Online

I got the inspiration for this series from the above article.

Below are as many questions I mentioned as I have space for.

1. Where are you originally from?

2. Where else have you lived?

3. What was your favorite place and why?

4. What was your parents' relationship like?

5. What was your relationship like with your parents?

6. Do you feel your parents treated you and your siblings the same or was there favoritism?

7. What kind of student were you?

8. What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

9. What was your favorite subject in school and why?

10. What's the kindest thing you've ever done for someone?

11. What's the kindest thing someone's done for you?

12. Are you close with members of your extended family?

13. What are some prominent things that have happened in your past that you think have contributed greatly to who you are today?

14. Tell me about your favorite childhood pet.

15. Did you have a lot of friends as a child, or did you have just a few really good ones?

16. Who was your hero when you were growing up?

17. What is your ideal vacation spot?

18. If you could spend the day with someone famous, alive or dead, who would it be?

19. What is your favorite board game?

20. Describe yourself in a single word.

21. Describe me in a single word.

22. Who is your celebrity crush?

23. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

24. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten and liked?

25. Can you tell me about your most embarrassing moment?

26. What is your favorite item of clothing?

27. Are you superstitious?

28. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you choose?

29. If you had a horse, what funny name would you give it?

30. What do you think of public displays of affection?

31. Describe your dream house.

32. What's your dream job?

33. If you're having a bad day, how can I cheer you up?

34. When you're sick, do you like to have someone taking care of you, or do you prefer to be left alone until you're better?

35. What's your favorite sport?

36. What sport would you never want to watch?

37. If you're lost, do you ask for directions?

38. Describe the ideal vacation.

39. Describe an ideal weekend.

40. What's your favorite dessert?

41. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

42. What's one household chore you don't know how to do?

43. What's one type of household chore you're unwilling, or at least very resistant, to do?

44. Who's your hero (now)? What's your favorite book? What's your favorite magazine?

45. How much time do you spend on social networking in a week?

46. What kind of music to you like? Who are your favorite singers or bands?

It can be nerve wracking enough working up the nerve to talk so someone you’ve had your eye on, that you can actually meet in person, and maybe even more troubling chatting with a Filipina thousands of miles away. It is a good idea to dress nice, be courteous, avoid foul language and not say anything sexually suggestive, and you don’t want to get stuck in a lot of silence so here are questions you can use to get to know the woman that could become your wife. By the way, it is perfectly alright to have some silence when chatting with a woman. Don’t feel like there needs to be a constant barrage of words, that isn’t natural.

It is normal to have pauses in conversation so don’t worry about “dead air”. If a question is asked, someone will need time to think about their answer, all you have to do is relax while they decide what to say. Again, the hope is that on many of these questions, they will generate conversation so make sure you listen to what they say. If you have a list prepared then you don’t have to worry about forgetting what question you were going to ask next. It’s ok to ask her to repeat herself or explain a little more if you aren’t sure what she said.

It is possible her accent could throw you off a little too. Having a list also makes it easy to have a place to jot down some notes. I was always thinking that I hope I am not repeatedly asking my then girlfriend the names of her family members for example. As I browsed through these questions, I realized that there are many that I don’t know the answer to, I don’t know how my wife would answer them.

So even if you are already married or in a strong relationship with a Filipina, there might be some questions here that you could use presently.

These questions can help you navigate to your Love Beyond the Sea!