LIVE-Does My Filipina Love Me or The Money?

I will also talk about whether or not testing is necessary before marrying a Filipina. It is normal when pursuing a Filipina to marry, to wonder if she is marrying you for the money..a little bit maybe?  Maybe a lot?  A Filipina you are interested in won’t have the material means you will, so it makes sense that she could marry someone to better her situation.  But there is a difference between marrying a foreigner FOR his money and marrying a foreigner because you are poor, your family is poor and you want to help your family like you probably have been doing for a while.

I think it would be very good for any man interested in a Filipina to recognize that women from poor countries, don’t want to be poor and they don’t want their families to be poor, and if they have an opportunity to marry a foreigner in a better situation, they will do that.  If they could marry someone where they live, they would certainly do that, but if they don’t see that as an option, and she is attractive enough to get a foreign husband, she would be remiss not to do that.  It does not mean that she has no interest in being a wife. If the Filipina is a good companion, lover, takes care of the house, generally meets your needs, then she is serious about being a wife…too.  It doesn’t have to be a case of “she loves the money but not me at all.” 

I think money or provision or security is always going to be an important element for a Filipina and a man would do well to accept this, and I think you do. The Filipina could think ‘Does he love me or my body or looks?  When my looks go, then what is he going to do?”  Needless to say, the physical attraction is always going to be important to the man. Let’s say she loves what the money can do but doesn’t love the man, what does this look like?

Listen to the podcast and learn how to tell she may be more interested in the money than the man, and what it looks like when she wants to be a good wife.