Podcast Episode 178: 7 Ways to be a Good Teammate in Marriage

Let’s talk about 7 ways to be winning teammates in marriage. I married a woman from the Philippines in 2015 and some say we are a good couple. Here are some reasons why that is. Being good teammates takes intentionality. Please subscribe to Casting Beyond The Sea for Podcasts that will help you know how to have a good marriage to I think, any woman, and I have experience with a Filipina.

Support and encourage-My wife is less verbal that I am, she always says I talk so much, but this is a way for me to offer encouragement. I encourage by saying things, by being aware of good qualities and pointing them out. My wife on the other hand, is more likely to encourage by just being there for me, and being consistent day to day, which I appreciate.

Support and encouragement is needed when she immigrates to the foreigner’s country.  She’ll need a lot of it. Even after the relationship is established, or they’ve been together a few years, nothing must be taken for granted. It would be great if we always tried to outdo each other in being good to each other, but that isn’t realistic. There will be times one will need extra attention paid to them.  It isn’t 50/50. I can see later on in my life, since I am a lot older than she is, needing a lot of caregiving from her.  If she wanted it to be 50/50 she could have married under different circumstances.

I can help my wife by building her up, by accentuating the positive things about her, by making her feel good about herself, and by encouraging her to not try to do more than she is capable, to help her prevent getting burned out. She is relied upon at work, she is going to college. Wow, what an amazing woman. She needs my encouragement.

Listen to the podcast for more ways to be a good teammate in marriage.

Your Wife May Be Here Christian Filipina https://www.christianfilipina.com/?affid=1096

Visa Help Filipino Visa https://www.filipinovisa.com/?affid=1096

Buy my 547-page resource Meant to be-A Match Made in Heaven  https://lvbts.gumroad.com/l/gOPZd

Intro & Outro
Night In Venice by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5763-night-in-venice
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Smooth Lovin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4379-smooth-lovin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/