Marriage Advice (397)

Topics relating to marriage advice

Don't Let the Grinch Steal Your Optimism to Marry this Season

I want to warn you about the Grinch, a grouchy, solitary creature…

by Bob

Habits of Men Successfully finding love beyond the sea

Let’s dive right in with thoughts from an article I will link…

by Bob

Does Having Sex Make Two People Married?

I talk a lot about marriage here and for good reason. Someone…

by Bob

Is Marriage "Stagnant and Strict"? Thoughts from the Carl Lentz debacle

I will link an article for you about the particulars of this…

by Bob

Signs of a Healthy Foreigner Filipina Relationship

I came across an article I wanted to share with you that…

by Bob

Foreigner Filipina Relationship How Did Your Family React?

Marrying a woman from a different nationality isn’t all that unusual, but…

by Bob

Podcast Episode 21: Reasons to Bring Your Filipina Wife to America and the Best Kind to do it

While a common refrain is to never, ever consider bringing a Filipina…

by Bob

Podcast Episode 20: Am I Dangerously Over-Invested in my Fil-Am Marriage?

Recently I discovered I was the subject of some slight discussion on…

by Bob

Filipinas are Resilient and Adaptable to your Country

You might want to know that if you bring a woman from…

by Bob

13 Things my Filipina and I Neglected to Discuss Before Marriage

I have a video series of live streams about questions to ask…

by Bob

Expect Some Women to be Jealous of your Filipina Wife

When I married my Filipina wife in 2015, I figured there would…

by Bob