Marriage Advice (397)

Topics relating to marriage advice

What is Weird about an Age Gap Marriage?

Do you think an age gap marriage is weird? How do you…

by Bob

The Best Marriage Advice to a Filipina I Received from a Principal Sponsor

I will be a principal sponsor at a wedding soon and I…

by Bob

Do Filipinas Prefer Tall Men? Do Short Men Have a Chance?

I happen to be 6' 1.5" and my wife is 4'11". I…

by Bob

Your Future Valentine Might be in the Philippines

Valentines Day is over. If you are alone and without prospects, perhaps…

by Bob

Does it take Luck to Get Married? Was I Lucky?

It can be challenging to find a marriage partner, but does it…

by Bob

A Filipina Won't Want You Seeing Other Women

Like most women, a Filipina from the other side of the world…

by Bob

Baring it All-Vulnerability with a Filipina

Don't all of us want someone close to us that throught life,…

by Bob

Do Filipinas Prefer to Avoid Their Past with a Western Man?

What do you think about some Filipinas being hesitant to reveal their…

by Bob

Being Too Picky Finding a Filipina Wife Will Keep You Alone

There is so much to say about the idea of being too…

by Bob

American Dream or Filipina Nightmare Living in the USA?

Is living in America all it is cracked up to be for…

by Bob

Your Money Isn't Enough For A Filipina (Money Can't Buy You Love)

This is from a series called Straight talk to western men about…

by Bob