Marriage (250)

Another Day Older and...Married Yet? What are You Waiting for?

Took another stroll through the cemetery today and this always makes me…

by Bob

Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs-Marital Advice

Is it possible to be married and keep no record of wrongs?…

by Bob

What Does it Mean that Love Does Not Boast?

Love is many things and I will focus on one aspect of…

by Bob

Turtle Tank Cleaning Day-Our First Pet Together

Pets are nice to have but eventually they need to have their…

by Bob

What Does it Mean that Love Always Hopes?

Is love overly optimistic? Does love operate detached from reality? It is…

by Bob

What does it mean that Love is Not Easily Angered?

What does it mean that love is not easily angered? Are we…

by Bob

What Does it Mean that Love Always Protects?

What does it mean that love always protects? How much relevance does…

by Bob

What Does it Mean that Love Always Endures?

What does it mean that love always endures? How much relevance does…

by Bob

Is Your Relationship with a Filipina Based on Loneliness or Love?

Do you have expectations about a relationship with a woman from the…

by Bob

What Does it Mean to Speak the Truth in Love?

How are we to speak the truth in love? This Bible verse…

by Bob