She's Always A Filipina To Me Filipina Qualities

Those of us who have married a Filipina likely heard beforehand that Filipinas make great wives, and there are many positive qualities that lead to that comment.

Women of other nationalities can have the same qualities, good or bad, as a Filipina, but tonight we will talk about the qualities that attract a man to a Filipina. I have been married to a Filipina since May 10, 2015 when we got married in the Philippines.

I try to talk about many aspects of a foreigner Filipina relationship especially marriage.I will start with observations I have had that don’t appear in the ones from those two links. As always, I’d like to hear from you so questions and comments are encouraged.

There are so many good qualities that I will take two separate live streams to cover them, and there might be more that I miss.qualities were feminine, practical, loyal, loves children, bright, doesn’t think too far ahead, finds joy in service, values education highly, family -oriented, speaks better English than most other women around the world who do not have English as their first language, puts a huge importance on grooming and hygiene, charming, respectful to elders, thrifty, ambitious, hard-working, multi-talented, capable of multi-tasking, resourceful, feisty, intuitive, highly sociable, creative, highly opinionated, argumentative, loyal friend, overprotective, adventurous, outgoing.