Striking Gold or Digging For gold?-Avoid Being Scammed

1. Don’t send money unless you are engaged, married or have an established relationship. I don’t believe in “never send her money” but it might be wise to not go overboard, maybe some money to buy a load for her phone so she can chat with you. As the relationship becomes more serious you can choose to do more.

2. We were engaged on day 18 and had a wedding to plan so I had to send her quite a bit of money for all the plans of the wedding, for a place for me to stay, for food, and of course her engagement ring. This was all enough to live for two years in her city, but she was faithful to use it the right way, and kept track of it. She didn’t want to waste what I gave her.

3. We were engaged on day 18 and had a wedding to plan so I had to send her quite a bit of money for all the plans of the wedding, for a place for me to stay, for food, and of course her engagement ring. This was all enough to live for two years in her city, but she was faithful to use it the right way, and kept track of it. She didn’t want to waste what I gave her.

4. Be wary if she shows too much skin.

5. If she is talking sexy, to me this is a red flag.

6. I would be cautious if she didn’t chat from home.

7. Be suspicious if her story changes or is inconsistent.

8. Christian Filipina staff will gladly help you see if you might be getting scammed. If you have any qualms about a woman, just ask the staff.

“The Philippines is a gold mine for great wives, where you can find your Love Beyond The Sea!