Dealbreakers when Seeking a Filipina to Marry
by Bobpublished on
What is a deal breaker for one man when seeking a Filipina to marry isn’t always one for someone else. In this video I will list some things that might be a deal breaker for some men and I will mention what were deal breakers for me. Please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea for help with pursuing and having a good marriage with a Filipina. Be sure to comment on what was a deal breaker for you when you were looking. My website is Go Where You’re Wanted. There is little reason to be moping around alone.
Some would consider it a deal breaker if the Filipina wouldn’t want to immigrate to their country. Many Filipinas don’t want to leave the Philippines. Many foreign men aren’t ready or able to pack up and leave everything behind and head for the Philippines. I would want to find this out sooner rather than later. When I was looking for a wife on Christian Filipina, if the profile said she would not relocate, I wouldn’t try to talk her out of it. If that part was left blank then I would not consider that person. Many aren’t interested in relocating and shouldn’t be pressed into doing it.
When you’ve located a Filipina you are serious about, it doesn’t hurt to ask her if she immigrates to be with you, if she will be thinking about retiring with you in her country down the line. I think many Filipinas prefer to stay in the Philippines but will marry and live overseas as a necessity to provide for their family in the Philippines. If given their choice, they would also prefer her and her husband to retire in the Philippines if he wants to do that. If I met a Filipina that I wanted to marry, and she told me that one day she hoped we would retire in the Philippines, and I was dead set against it, I would be honest and tell her I won’t do that. It wouldn’t be fair to her to lead her on.
Before I move on from the aspect of location, if the foreigner is willing at some point to relocate to the Philippines, they would need to agree on where. City or province? That could end up being a deal breaker if they can’t agree where to live. For me, I want to be not far from a hospital! It is possible another deal breaker for the foreigner could be how far away from her family he wants to live. I have spoken a lot about this. I think it is wise to live close by her family, close enough that they can see their Filipina family member without hardship, and that your wife be able to see her family.
A lot of men would consider a Filipina who wanted to have a baby as a deal breaker. This is often in dating profiles, so they both can know right away how they feel about that. I think there should be honesty here too. If you won’t marry a Filipina who wants children then she should be told this as soon as it comes up. In our situation, we married very quickly and didn’t put much thought into that. I decided to try but always struggled with this. After about five years and eight months of marriage, it has become more of an obsession for me than a possible deal breaker; I want to give my wife a baby; we want to produce a baby.
The Filipina might already have a child or two. To some guys this is not an issue at all, to other men it is a deal breaker. It was a deal breaker for me. I wanted to focus on having a relationship with a Filipina alone, as it had been a very long time without a relationship, so I was looking for only Filipinas that did not have children.
Religion will be a deal breaker in many cases. I found what I was looking for in this area.
Will your Filipina wife want to work in her new country after getting her visa? I wouldn’t assume either way without asking. I knew my wife wanted to work. We had some discussion about whether or not she would work if we had a child. If the foreign man is simply against his Filipina working, then he needs to tell her sooner rather than later. It’s also possible the Filipina will not want to have a job in her new country, if so, the man will need to consider that.
A deal breaker on the Filipina’s side would be if she married someone who had too many financial obligations to provide what she needs for security or wasn’t able to. The standards established to show ability to provide for a Filipina are too low in my opinion. It is surprisingly low.
Another one not talked about much is if your family was absolutely opposed to it, at least one I would consider. Is it possible with time and getting to know the Filipina better, your family would see her as a suitable wife? If bringing her into a family where she will be openly rejected is a possibility, then how is that good for the Filipina.
To be clear, I think the wife is more important than her husband’s family and I tell Aiza that she is a priority over anyone in our family here in America and I have told my mother that. But that doesn’t mean that I would marry her knowing the animosity or rejection she could endure when she got here.
Something else that could be a deal breaker for some men marrying a woman from the Philippines is if she is dead set against not obtaining citizenship in your country. Some men might think her getting citizenship is a sign she will leave him, but other men feel slighted and offended when their advice to get citizenship is ignored, because of the many benefits. You might want to discuss this ahead of time because it can be a very agonizing decision for a Filipina to surrender their dear Philippines citizenship, and I can understand that. While she is able to get it back and be a dual citizenship, the part about relinquishing it initially may be something intolerable to her.
Those are the deal breakers I could think of and you might be able to think of more. When I looked for a Filipina wife, I don’t think I had a long list of must haves or deal breakers. I didn’t want to make it impossible to find a wife. Try to discover any deal breakers before being committed to each other and don’t marry someone thinking you can smooth things over later.
Know what you need when looking for love beyond the sea.