How to Earn Your Filipina Wife's Respect: Part 3
by Bobpublished on
Try to do things she likes to do
Apologize readily
Avoid profanity and raising your voice
Let her buy new clothes for herself
Let her buy accessories like a watch and purse
Show her your finances-budget, checkbooks, etc. how it works
Teach her how to write checks and how to use a credit card
Give her access to your accounts because they are now for both of you
Trust her with financial things and always get her opinion
Advise but give her the freedom to make decisions.
She will mature faster this way.
Don’t put down the Philippines
Don’t remind her you are from America or wherever first world country you are from
Teach her how to mow the lawn
Don’t expect her to show PDA, be happy with what you get
Let her decorate your place Let her make recommendations on your clothes or appearance.
My wife even trims my beard.
Don’t let Tampo upset you if it happens