How to Earn Your Filipina Wife's Respect: Part 4
by Bobpublished on
Be glad to see her and try to greet her when she gets home
Aim for transparency-don’t hide phone messages or emails
Be available when she wants you to do something with her at that time
Teach her to drive
Teach her how to eat healthy but try not to be demanding
Always have rice available Encourage her to not overwork
Stick up for her always
Loosen the lids on her water bottles
Send her love songs from YouTube
Go out on dates together
Hygiene-Be clean, smell nice
Say thank you often
Say I love you a lot-in person, text, social media, email
Don’t stare at other women or compare her to them
Build her reputation and appreciate her character
Let her in on your feelings
A lot of non-sexual touch-hair, cheeks, shoulders, back
Take care of your health and hers (Annual physical, vitamins)
Reinforce that she is “#1”
Put her sexual needs first
Compliment her often (hard worker, housekeeping, lover, frugal, appearance)
Get a prescription for Viagra if you need to
Play some Filipino music from YouTube It is ok to have to sacrifice some activities for the good of the marriage
Help around the house like with washing the dishes for example
Tell her you love her multiple times a day