No Arms No Legs No Excuses Why Are YOU Still Single?
by Bobpublished on
Today I am going to share some links with you of a remarkable man named Nick Vujicic that should be incredibly inspiring to all men who feel they no longer have hope of getting married. In fact, Nick’s handicap affected far more than relationships. If his story doesn’t inspire you, then you may be beyond hope. He made no excuses. He was born without arms or legs. He, like most of us, realized he wanted and needed a wife. He is 38 now, having married at 29, and has a lovely wife and four children, thus having achieved his biggest dream. And you? Naturally he has become one of the world’s most sought-after public speakers and I will have links at the top of the description box for you to see videos of his remarkable story, so you can learn from it.
Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea; a channel for mature marriage minded men. I have made 768 videos that all in one way or another are aimed at helping single men get married and married men stay married. I want to make marriage great again. Who else is doing this? If I can find someone, you can too.
People say you can’t argue with success. Oh yes you can, there are many men in this world who are wise in their own conceit that they actually do try to argue with success, and I hope this video bothers them enough to get off their butts, make some changes to their thinking and lifestyle, and go where they’re wanted to find the wife they say can’t be found. On the other hand, if they are going to be self-focused, maybe it is best they sit on the bench.
My favorite quote from one of Nick’s videos was when he asked his wife what would happen if their children turned out like him and she replied “then they’d have someone to look up to”. Very beautiful. Please check out some of those videos.
Several years ago, when I started Love Beyond The Sea, I hoped that my very own situation would be cause for some inspiration for men who knew they needed to be married, to get married. Who survives 30 years of the prime of his life seeking a wife and not getting anywhere? I started looking at 24 and at age 53 was still alone, living a life I knew was wrong for me. I needed a wife. I was doing the same things, all I knew really, to find someone and was always found wanting. I know many men of all ages are experiencing something similar right now.
I hoped that a 53-year-old man finding a wife at this late stage of his life, and marrying in less than eight weeks from the other side of the world, to a woman 27 years younger, would generate more interest than it has. Perhaps the YouTube algorithm has something to do with that, but even so, it is disappointing that so many men are so attached to negativity. They already know men can’t find a good wife in this world; all the while men continue to find good wives in this world. I want to describe a few things about Nick Vujicic because if Nick’s true story is not inspiring, then I don’t know what is.
I want you to ask yourself a few questions after you are mesmerized by his compelling story.
Why do you really think you are still single? What can’t you overcome?
Is this man simply an anomaly? Is his story not worth considering because he got lucky? I think you make your own luck.
Why do you think Nick Vujicic found a good wife and family? What did he have going for him? What did he have going for him that other single men don’t?
Get rid of your worthless MGTOW videos if you have been harmed by them. The only MGTOW I subscribe to is Men Getting Their Own Wife.
Proverbs 26:16 The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer sensibly. MGTOW and the like have dumbed down men and caused them to become slackers and sluggards, afraid of women, risk averse and worst of all, they impart this “wisdom” to younger men, instead of teaching them how to avoid the mistakes they made and how to find success. You need to take action, action that leads to self-improvement and action that takes you where a good woman can be found.
From an article I will link-
A man born without arms or legs who grew up to motivate people all over the world has shared an inspiring message after making all his dreams a reality.
Motivational speaker Nick Vujicic, 36, was born to Serbian immigrants in Melbourne in 1982.
Throughout his childhood he was bullied for his tetra-amelia syndrome - but became a born-again Christian and his faith got him through.
Vujicic believes it was god's plan for him to suffer so that he could inspire others.
In 2008 he did his first TV interview and has since taken the world by storm giving speeches and talks all over the planet.
In a new interview with 60 Minutes, the father of four talks about how he made his dreams a reality.
'When the world says you're not good enough get a second opinion,' Vujicic tells 60 Minutes in the interview set to air on Sunday. The Christian minister married his wife Kanae Miyahara in 2012 and since then the pair have had four children, two boys and identical twin girls.
'I did fall in love and we are in love, this is the most incredible life… it's even beyond our dreams,' he said.
Vujicic has never let his condition slow him down and since his first TV appearance in 2008 he has gone on to become a successful motivational speaker based in the United States.
His worldwide motivational speeches tell of courage, overcoming disability and the bullying he suffered as a child.
His life and his determination serve as an inspiration to countless thousands worldwide and now he is sharing the joy he has found with from a loving family.
However, Vujicic is still keenly aware of the struggles he had to overcome to find the happiness he now enjoys.
'I felt cold and bitter. I hated God for doing this to me and was terrified of what would happen when my parents weren't there to look after me,' he said of his condition.
'When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others.
'I realized why God had made us like this - to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage other people and give them the courage that the article had given me.'
Vujicic has travelled to over 44 countries for his motivational speaking and his amazingly positive attitude is infectious to those who hear him speak.
His speeches tell of courage overcoming disability, and the bullying he suffered as a child.
His life and his determination serve as an inspiration to countless thousands worldwide.
'Courage is when you've overcome your fear but that doesn't mean you're not afraid,' he said. (end of article)
I asked these three questions earlier: Why do you really think you are still single? What can’t you overcome? What are you afraid of? Can you live with yourself if you are not trying and playing to win? Nick Vujicic found a perfectly normal woman who was led to become his wife, but that doesn’t happen if he licks his wounds and assumes the worst. I believe that you simply will not find a wife if you do not risk something.
The world in general seems to becoming more difficult to find a wife, but it is a huge world with many countries. I married in the Philippines. Now my biggest dream has been accomplished and is currently being lived out day by day. If I didn’t want that to happen to you, I wouldn’t be making these videos.
Is this man simply an anomaly? Is his story not worth considering because he got lucky? Instead of seeing his story as an outlier, why not choose to find inspiration from a man from all outward appearances, had little chance to find a wife, let alone have a nice big family; his biggest dream, and it’s a good dream still. Maybe the biggest takeaway is to simply not quit. I don’t think he got lucky and I know he didn’t make excuses. When the game is over, talk is cheap, just point to the scoreboard, or maybe the marriage license.
Why do you think Nick Vujicic found a good wife and family? What did he have going for him? What did he have going for him that other single men don’t? Well, he had a great attitude, he didn’t sulk, he wasn’t pessimistic, he was realistic and didn’t give up. Quitters never win and winners never quit. He was a Christian who trusted God, probably prayed often for this wife he needed, and looked for opportunities. What he couldn’t change, he couldn’t change but he was responsible for what he could, and having a can-do attitude is sexy and he certainly is a charming fellow. You can tell his wife is in love with him. Is someone in love with you? Will anyone look at you the way his wife looks at him?
So many questions, and I have some answers if you will subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea.