Want To Be Sexy?- What Women Find Sexy About Men
by Bobpublished on
Sit back and relax as I show what over twenty women have to say about what women find sexy about men. It isn’t about how much he benches or squats or how big his biceps are, and that’s a good thing. Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea where we talk about many things, really anything that pertains to having a good relationship and marriage with a Filipina.
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Here are the statements by Jenna Lowthert and I will link it in the description box.
"21 Women On What Makes A Man Sexy
I asked 21 women, including myself, what makes a man sexy. The fact that almost none of the answers had anything to do with physical appearance was very refreshing.
1. “When they care for you just as much as you care for them… and they actually show it.”
-Jolene, 33
2. “What makes a man sexy is his ability to support his partner’s dreams and goals and be loyal to her in a supportive manner.”
-Justine, 25
3. “A guy who uses eye contact and can hold a conversation. It shows a mature confidence about him, and to me that’s extremely sexy.”
-Joelle, 25
4. “Sexy to me is when a man wants to be with you and only you and is not tempted by anyone or anything that comes along. One who knows what he wants, knows what he has, values it, and does anything in his power to never let it slip away.”
-Jenna, 25
5. “A man with motivation, confidence, and a great sense of humor.”
-Kelly, 26
6. “A man who feels honored to be able to love his lady in return and isn’t afraid to show it in front of anyone. Too many people take love for granted and when a man knows what he has and appreciates it, I find that to be very attractive.”
-Ashley, 28
7. “Tattoos, a beard and dark mysterious eyes.”
-Sarah, 22
8. “It’s sexy to see a man with confidence and it’s also very sexy to see a man caring for children or animals.”
-Dana , 25
9. “A guy who is not afraid to express his raw emotions, fights for his lady, has a good sense of honor and — can’t forget — a good taste in music!”
-Danielle, 22
10. “A man who is chivalrous and who can be a goof ball without worrying what everybody else thinks.”
-Blakely, 20
11. “What makes a man sexy to me is one who still has old school charm and after being together for years, still opens every door for me… oh, and one who rides the lawn mower and cuts the grass ;)”
-Sam, 24
12. “A kind, true, honest heart who knows how to make a woman feel loved and wanted.”
-Courtney, 27
13. “What makes a man sexy is the way he looks a woman in her eyes and pushes that single strand of hair back behind her ear.”
-Brittany, 25
14. “The way a man kisses is sexy to me; it says a lot..”
-Kristie, 37
15. “I find dark hair and a 5 o’clock shadow very sexy. Overall I’d say ambition, intelligence, old school values and the kind of guy that makes you feel safe and protected.”
-Anne 31
16. “To me, what makes a man sexy is his sense of humor. I honestly care more about whether a guy can make me laugh than his looks. Someone who just doesn’t take life too seriously and has the ability to laugh at ridiculous or stressful situations. If you can make me laugh, your sexiness skyrockets…”
-Brenda, 32
17. “Intelligence makes a man sexy in my book..”
-Jess, 34
18. “Nice eyes always seem to pull me in, but if someone’s soul is pure, that’s the sexiest of it all.”
-Laura, 38
19. “A sexy man is one who can make a woman laugh like there’s no tomorrow, make her feel like she can be herself — even at her worst. Also, one who often surprises her — whether it be learning something new about him that makes your attraction for him stronger or something as simple as receiving flowers — the smallest surprises bring the biggest smiles. That is a sexy man!
-Dana, 26
20. “Loyalty is incredibly sexy and so is honesty.”
-Lynn, 49
21. “A sexy man is someone who is not afraid to show his lady that he cares for her by doing the little things…opening doors, carrying her over rain puddles so she doesn’t ruin her new shoes, cooking dinner. These things exude sex appeal.”
-Noelle, 41"
Comments? Let’s hear them. You can do some of these things right? I haven’t talked to my wife about this but I must be doing okay with my Love Beyond The Sea!