Relationship Advice (433)

Topics relating to relationship advice

Marriage Isn't Perfect So Just Avoid It?

People are definitely avoiding marriage these days as the statistics reveal, but…

by Bob

You CAN Bring This Type of Filipina to America Part 7

Finding a Filipina to marry who isn't materialistic is a good sign…

by Bob

You CAN Bring This Type of Filipina to America Part 6

If a Filipina is well-grounded spiritually, that could be an indication she…

by Bob

You CAN Bring This Type of Filipina to America Part 5

If a Filipina is proud to be from the Philippines, that could…

by Bob

You CAN Bring This Type of Filipina to America Part 4

If a Filipina's siblings have jobs and they work hard, this is…

by Bob

You CAN Bring This Type of Filipina to America Part 2

Being able to talk to her about marriage is a good sign…

by Bob

Money or Marriage Which Would You Choose?

If you could have financial independence or be married, which would you…

by Bob

Why Not Marry Younger? What Are You Waiting For?

Today's video is about the benefits of getting married earlier in life…

by Bob

How Do You Know if Your Filipina Relationship Will Succeed?

This video is about the tell-tale signs of a marriage that is…

by Bob

Romancing the Filipina What is Romance?

Are you romantic? Many women say that want a romantic man but…

by Bob

LIVE-Being Single is Hard to Do

I want to share some things from the website Psychology Today from…

by Bob