Relationship Advice (433)

Topics relating to relationship advice

Fanciful Expectations of a Filipina Causes Bitterness

The Bible tells husbands not to be bitter towards their wives in…

by Bob

Would You Pay 2000 $ for a Cuddling Specialist? It is Available

Cuddling and snuggling with a woman you love is one of the…

by Bob

Filipinas Can Learn From Love Beyond The Sea

While my channel focuses mostly on men and their interest in a…

by Bob

Part 2 My Biggest Adjustment Marrying a Filipina

While marrying a woman from the Philippines might be your best bet…

by Bob

Are Foreigners and Filipinas a LAST RESORT for Each Other?

While foreigners and Filipinas can still be a look match like it…

by Bob

What if Your Filipina Wife Told You She Married You for the Money?

Filipinas and likely no women are going to marry foreign men for…

by Bob

Is There Outside Pressure to Keep Your LDR Together?

Is it possible there are some outside pressures that are actually a…

by Bob

How to Avoid Being Under the Spell of a Beautiful Filipina

We have all heard of the foreigner who fell madly in love…

by Bob

Not Helping a Filipina's Family-Should You Feel Guilty?

There may be times when a Filipina or a Filipina with her…

by Bob

Do You Act or Feel Old Around a Younger Filipina?

Let's talk about how we act or feel around a younger Filipina.

by Bob

What my Filipina Wife Means to Me

Today is an inside look at how I feel about my Filipina…

by Bob