Casting Beyond The Sea Podcast
Podcast Episode 39: The Best Way to Deal With Tampo (Filipina silent treatment)
by Bobpublished on
In this podcast I will define tampo and its purpose, pull together some information from Wikipedia, the Asawa Guide to Fil-West Relationships and my own experience, and conclude with a hypothetical tampo scenario with how to handle it the best way. I think it would be good to keep this handy because if you are interacting with a Filipina, this is very likely to happen and how the foreign man responds to it can break off the relationship unnecessarily or allow it to grow.
Here is what it can look like:
resisting expressions of affection
not talking to the person concerned, or to people in general
being unusually quiet
locking oneself in his or her own room
refusing to eat
not joining friends in group activities
withdrawing from the group
simply keeping to oneself.
Intro & Outro
Night In Venice by Kevin MacLeod Link:
Smooth Lovin by Kevin MacLeod