14 Ways my Filipina Wife Knows I Am Committed to Her
by Bobpublished on
I thought of a couple more so this list of 16 are some of the ways I show my wife that I am committed to her, that she can count on me, that I am in it for the long run.
1. She knows I won't threaten to leave her is such and such happens.
2. She knows we have plans for the rest of our lives together.
3. She knows I try not to make promises, but keep them if I do.
4. She knows her well-being is my highest priority.
5. She knows I have made sacrifices for her.
6. She knows I behave the same way towards her at home as in public.
7. She knows I have nothing to hide from her.
8. She knows I like being with her more than being with anyone else.
9. She knows I will always support her.
10. She knows I will make changes to suit her.
11. She knows I plan for her life after my death.
12. She knows she is the most significant person in my life besides God.
13. She knows I pray for her regularly.
14 .She knows I am her biggest fan. I did not want a prenuptial agreement. I have our wedding date as my personalized license plate!
Talk is cheap of course, so I want to show you practical ways to show your Filipina wife that she is special and worth committing the rest of your life to her.
In time there may be more ways I can show commitment to my Love Beyond the Sea.