Marriage Advice

How I Prayed My Filipina Wife Into My Life

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There were three main Bible verses that I started to cling to the longer I was single

John 15:7-If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Luke 11:5-13-(The friend at midnight)…8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.

In response to the disciples wanting to be taught how to pray (1). Luke 18:1-8-(The unjust judge) or (The persistent widow)-The woman pleaded for justice.

Jesus told them this to teach them to pray and not give up (1) Jesus taught us to pray this way and it seems seldom taught.

Often we are taught to just be content. Importunate prayer is not content. Remember Hanna praying for a child? Importunate prayer insists on what it knows is God’s will.

It is ok to cite in prayer God’s will, and that includes marriage.

Other points

Pray with a desire to please God-I believed 1Cor7, Gen.2:18, Heb 13:4

Pray with a pure conscience-Confess and repent.

Pray with biblical truth-Gen2:18, 1Cor7, Proverbs 5, Hebrews 13:4 Pray with passion-Emotion, feeling.

Pray without giving up-(relentless). Pray with alertness-Opportunities.

Pray with patience-Might not see opportunities right away.

Pray with action-Do something! Where to look? Ask for pastoral help.

Don’t’ be lazy about the answer to your prayer.

I asked to be on the church prayer list “Bob X needs a wife”. That’s it. Prayer was to be made until I got married!

Pray to the finish-With persistence until you are married.

Pray with faith-That you’ll get married or at the least, God can get you married even if you don’t see how.

“I didn’t give up praying, and now I am happily married to my Love Beyond The Sea!”

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