Relationship Advice

What is Your Greatest Obstacle to Pursuing a Filipina?

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Here are some things that could prevent a man from looking for a wife in the Philippines, that I will touch on in today's video.

Flying so far away-
Cost involved-
Wanting a baby-
Filling out immigration papers-
On line dating-
Different culture-
Getting scammed-
The 8+ month visa approval process-
Heard a lot of stories of relationships that went bad-
What others think-
You won’t know her well enough-
Won’t make the right choice-
Uncomfortable webcamming-
She is so far away-
Nothing in common-
Too much family emphasis-
She won’t really love you-
Think your adjustment will be too big-
Worry she will be too homesick-
Concern other guys will intrude-
Concern she won’t be faithful-
Don’t know what to say to a younger Filipina-
Afraid there won’t be sparks or chemistry-
Concern your family won’t accept her-
She will be on social media too much-
You might marry too quickly-
Can she be attracted to you?-
Uncomfortable with her family-
Will a relationship be more difficult with a Filipina?-
Reluctant to teach her to drive-
How will she handle the finances?-
Concerned she will lie to you-
She might want you to retire in the Philippines-

If you are single, consider going where you're wanted to find love beyond the sea. Here is where I found mine-Christian Filipina 

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