Self Improvement

Where MGTOW Goes Wrong-The Nomad Capitalist is Right: My Take

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I was shown a video from a very popular vlogger with about 93,000 subscribers called The Nomad Capitalist (Andrew Henderson); perhaps you have heard of him. I’m sure talking about MGTOW isn’t his normal thing, but he did an inciteful video called "Where MGTOW Goes Wrong". He casually and calmly talked about some aspects of MGTOW that I think you need to hear today. Good stuff; you’ll see. Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea where we strive to get it right with foreigner and Filipina relationships. 

There is room for you in the Lifestyle and Relationship lounges to discuss all things related to finding love overseas and we have some discussion already underway. Get notifications by tapping the bell and your comments are always welcome here too. What was the Nomad Capitalist right about? I will list five comments he made and another one that I am not sure what he meant.

“Why are we stuck blaming women? (6:00)-That’s a fair question. Some MGTOWs are more critical than others but I am aware there is a lot of complaining about women all being the same, doom is certain it’s just a matter of time, never get married because it will ruin your life and so on. I believe that deep down inside most of these men would love to have a good relationship with a woman, and might even be willing to try again, but they seemed to be convinced that women are women are women and no matter what you try, it won’t succeed.

Back in 2015 I was in despair as I thought I had exhausted my last chance at finding someone when a woman I would never had thought I would show interest in, still didn’t show interest in me. I felt numb, confused, crushed and like there was no reason to keep pushing as I was getting older with no results. I was 53 then but had been serious about finding a wife for many years. I wondered if I was just too serious. Maybe women could sense something? Maybe they could somehow tell I had been alone for a long time. You start to doubt yourself after so long.

No I hadn’t been divorced, but I could have chosen to blame women and loudly proclaim that I wasn’t being given a chance, and maybe I wasn’t. Friends and family didn’t know anyone, single women didn’t seem to be at church, I had been rejected twice at work. I have to tell you, I got a lot of advice but no one until 2015 suggested I try finding a wife from another country. Evidently, that was a concept so foreign (no pun intended) that no one had brought it up before.

I was someone who didn’t think it was practical to date someone 100 miles away but I actually decided to pursue this. Fortunately, I didn’t reach the point of settling on blaming women. Frankly, that wouldn’t have made me feel any better. As down as I got and as bewildered as I was with the circumstances, I knew I just had to get married. I didn’t know how but I believed it was for the best that a man and a woman live together as husband and wife. Even taking out having a child, I still feel that way. Men need women and women need men. “When the going gets tough the tough get…what? Going!

“Run to something, not from something” (7:00)-I really like this comment that The Nomad Capitalist made and it certainly applies to finding a wife. A skeptic would say to you that you are only considering a woman from the Philippines or some other country because you are a loser who can’t get interest from where you are from and have to escape to somewhere else. Or that you can’t cut it in the west so you have to run to somewhere else. There is no guarantee going somewhere else for the sake of going somewhere else will produce positive results.

That’s why you need a good reason to run to something else. I didn’t throw a dart against a map on the wall and decide on the Philippines. Since I was young, I thought Filipinas were exceptionally pretty and I liked that they were short with light brown or dark brown skin. Later I learned they had a good reputation for making good wives. Many years ago, a friend who I thought didn’t want to get married, married a woman from the Philippines. That was before the internet so I think the reason it didn’t motivate me was because it seemed too risky to communicate through hand-written letters.

Today there are apps for webcamming and texting that simplify the process a lot, making the experience of getting to know a Filipina much easier. I am not the only guy to say he chatted with his wife for hours a day before getting engaged. The Philippines is an excellent place to run to when you are ready to make a commitment to a woman from another country.

We have been married for a little over four and a half years and have known each other for about the same amount of time. Both of us were willing to get married quickly, which is probably unusual but then again, I think a Filipina is on an international dating site to find a husband not a pen pal. Never did I think I was running away from something.

“Go where you’re treated best” (7:12)-There are many men who can attest to being treated better in the Philippines by their Filipina, and also after bringing them to their country, like I did. I think things will be different in the Philippines but many of us have immigrated our wives and have been able to manage that. You may just have to experience this for yourself someday!

“People put their home country-perspective on the rest of the world” (7:33)-This is most certainly true, even of relationships and finding a wife. It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the world to assume it’s the same everywhere. Cultures are different, different things are valued. In the Philippines family is so important and there is no divorce. The United States is just one country of many. It helps that English is taught in the Philippines.

There is far less emphasis on feminism there. A woman will give a nice, decent, thoughtful guy a chance who doesn’t have to have Hollywood looks. There are many channels out there about a man and his Filipina wife or girlfriend. It’s been a “thing” for quite a while now, and I think that the stranger society gets here in the west that a man would do well to consider the Philippines.

“We want really feminine women like the old days” (10:27)-I will throw this in there just because I didn’t really understand what The Nomad Capitalist was saying could be wrong with this. He gave me the impression there were some things to be wary about here, kind of like “be careful what you wish for”.

“Why don’t we try to find a solution?” (11:35)-Love Beyond The Sea is about finding a solution and I have many videos with many more planned to help men with the process of getting to know a Filipina and how to dwell with her in harmony. I found my solution to many years of loneliness by venturing overseas for a wife. I still can hardly believe I did that, but I did.

We’re here to help you find Love Beyond the Sea!

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